Saturday, March 23, 2013

Charged to Inspire and Bring Christ's Message and Love

I'm so thankful to God for a very inspiring reflection yesterday in Didache.  The author shared about lives that had been miraculously changed or transformed.  Let me quote how he ended his reflection.
You may ask, how did these miracles come to be? Because of one hard-hitting influence. One life-changing witnessing. One story of transformation.
Because your personal history is His Story.
You were changed by One.
Now, go into the whole world and change another one.
God also touched my heart through another spirit-filled worship last night in our prayer meeting at Feast Sucat.  We sang I'm Counting on God, Through Christ and Still Standing.  I felt empowered and refreshed after that.  This inspired me as I continued to prepare my materials for my talk today.
This morning, God blessed me once more with inspiration through Loyola Press' 3-Minute Retreat.  Let me share some of the slides that I found striking.
I'm grateful to God for allowing me to take part in His mission and to continue in my own way what He has started.  Reading these words today reminded me that indeed all our experiences happen for a purpose.  It helps give meaning even to the pains that we gone through.  Today, I felt that God asked me through these reflections to share about how I was broken and how God has restored me when He led me and my bridegroom to each other.
"We are the instruments by which the Gospel is proclaimed in our time." - commentary on the First Reading from Companion/Kerygma Family

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