Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Family Mission Statement

One of my joys recently was being able to come up with a Family Mission Statement together with my husband. One of our action points after reading the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families is to write our very own Family Mission Statement. We call it the Gumap-as-Dumadag Family Code. Below are statements that define our family.

  1. We love God above all and with our all and we cultivate a deep relationship with Him.
  2. We love and honor each other and show our commitment in our words and actions.
  3. We practice the 8th Habit of having a wholistic approach in nurturing family members and helping them grow.
  4. We are free to be ourselves.
  5. Happiness, joy, laughter and fun fill our home.
  6. We serve through our talents, treasure and time.
  7. We carry on our rich Filipino heritage by living out our traditions and by practicing patriotism.
I have also come up with a Family Coat of Arms with 7 symbols to help us remember easily our Family Code by simply looking at these symbols.

Just like what Covey said, we are not always successfully living them out but having one helps us chart our journey as a family. It also serves as a reminder of what we want to strive to be. This is one legacy that we want to share with our son, Gian Timothy.

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