I was exchanging thoughts and experiences with another mom last week and it just dawned on me how grateful I am for the inconveniences in my life right now because of being a mom.
Here’s a list of the many things I’m thankful for:
1. I’m thankful that I grow tired most of the time running after Yanthy as he walks and runs around the house trying to grab as many things as possible as he passes by. George says I really need to exercise; otherwise, I won't be able to keep up with Yanthy. Amazingly, it seems that my baby doesn't get tired; or maybe, I get tired easily. I’m thankful that there’s a little boy in the house who sometimes drives me nuts of the mess he makes whether he’s playing or eating. You see, I like the house spic and span. If the judge says, “Order in the court,” well, I say, “Order in the house.” But with Yanthy around, it's hard to always put things in their proper places because he scatters things around. He is so curious! He likes to inspect every nook and cranny. Then, I just remind myself that my baby is a healthy little boy. Actually, he's a very intelligent boy. His curiosity and energy shows that he is developing very well.
2. I’m thankful that going out of the house is always a momentous event because I need to prepare so many things before we can leave. I need to go through the baby’s things and make sure we bring with us all that he needs while we are out. Going out with Yanthy seems like our family is always going on a field trip or picnic. My consolation here is that I have a child to share my experiences with.
3. I’m thankful that I sometimes wake up in the wee hours of the morning to nurse the baby or change his diaper. At least I don’t have to walk all the way to the kitchen to prepare formula milk because I am still able to breastfeed him. Also, this doesn’t happen every day that he wets his diaper or he wakes up due to a wet diaper at an unholy hour. He sometimes sleeps through the night and wakes up around 5:30 or 6 AM and that’s when we change his diaper.
4. I’m thankful for the inconvenience of having to think of ways to breastfeed discreetly when out of the house and in a public place. I’m thankful that there are already nursing stations in some malls and for nursing covers. I’m thankful that until now, at 10 months old, I’m still able to breastfeed Yanthy.
5. I’m thankful that I’m not as “glamorous” and “gorgeous” as when I was still childless. I have been accustomed to having cereal, milk, spit up, food, drool, etc. spilled on my clothes nowadays. Yanthy also likes to pull my hair even if I tie it into a bun on top of my head; thus, my hair is like our house usually in disarray. He also sometimes scratches my face which aggravates my skin problem (pimples!). I’m just grateful that taking care of him makes me more beautiful inside.
6. I’m thankful that my back sometimes aches because of carrying Yanthy. There are times when he simply wants to be carried by me. Well, at least, I have a baby who loves to hug mommy and be hugged back by me. I’m thankful I have a child I can shower with my loving touch all day and all night long.
7. I’m thankful that I get sweaty the whole day playing with my active little boy and taking care of him, making me change my clothes several times during the day. I’m grateful that I have a child to play with and take care of.
8. I’m thankful that I get tired planning, organizing, sourcing and coordinating for his first birthday party because that means we’re celebrating a milestone in my baby’s life. I’m thankful that we have some money to make it extra memorable and special.
9. I’m thankful that I sometimes get frustrated and angry because it reminds me how limited I am and how dependent I am of God’s grace. I’m thankful for the times that I discover my weaknesses and areas for improvement.
10. I’m thankful that I need to learn a lot of new things and make a number of sacrifices as a parent. I thank God for stretching my capacity to love and be generous. I thank Him for encouraging me and helping me open myself to change and to accommodate another beautiful person in my life, my son.
Being a mother and raising kids can be very challenging, to say the least. But I also read in one of the books of the Bible that women are saved through motherhood. I think I understand now what that means...
Yanthy challenges my patience and understanding. What can I do? He's just a child. Even if I get angry because the house is in disarray, he won't understand that yet. To him, it's fun to explore. Almost everything to him is playing. It's his way to learn and grow. I need to be less controlling and let go being a perfectionist when it comes to maintaining the home. I need to open myself to his unique personality. Lately, it's quite difficult to feed him. He gets easily distracted. He also likes to play a lot so eating isn't as much fun as walking or running around. I also lose my temper every now and then when he doesn’t obey me or follow what I teach him to do or not do. I’m very grateful that God's grace sustains me and brings me back to my senses every time. Although Yanthy is quite a handful, I'm grateful I have him in my life right now. I remember when I was still single and having problems with my polycystic ovaries. I used to wonder if I’ll ever bear a child and experience motherhood. Today, those thoughts, wishes and dreams have become reality. I thank God for the gift of motherhood, for the opportunity to love and give beyond what I thought were my limits.
Cheers to all mothers!