Thursday, July 18, 2013

Our Great Deliverer

"I am concerned about you and about the way you are being treated in Egypt; so I have decided to lead you up out of the misery of Egypt into the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, a land flowing with milk and honey." Exodus 3:16-17
These lines caught my attention as I read today's readings from I paused and meditated on these lines and got these insights and inspiration.
First and foremost, these verses reminded me of God's great love and mercy on us. He is not deft to our cries for help. He is not unmoved by our sorrows and our pains.
Second, these verses reminded me that God is always watching over us even when we don't feel His presence. He sees all that we are going through. He is not blind to our tears. 
Third, the story of the Israelites shows us that God is our Deliverer.  That even when we do not consciously pray for deliverance, He acts behind the scenes to bring us out of our misery.
Last but not least, these verses reminded me that God's Will for us is not to be oppressed or miserable, to be treated unfairly. He wants us to experience fullness of life. He wants us and our lovedones to experience happiness and abundance. This is why He said that He will bring the Israelites to "a land flowing with milk and honey."
Are you in a place where you feel oppressed and miserable? Do you feel that you are being treated unfairly? Are you currently suffering injustice and pain because of the bad things that other people have done to you or are still doing? God reaches out to you today through this passage. 
He says to you as He wipes off the tears on your cheeks and puts His arms around your shoulders:
"It is not My Will that you suffer unnecessarily. I will deliver you. I will put an end to the oppression and injustice that you are experiencing. I will make a way for you and lead you out of this place/situation where your tears flow like a river. I will bring healing to your wounds and restore you. I will bless you and your family."
Believe that God's Words to you today will come to pass whether what causes you pain or sorrow is an actual place, a situation or a relationship. God will deliver you out of your "Egypt" and bring you to a much better place! Believe that nothing is beyond God's power to deliver you!

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