Monday, August 17, 2009

Leaving Room for God

I reviewed a book I bought and read years ago after tidying my old bedroom. I read it from noon to early evening today. The lessons are relevant once more given my circumstances.

Leave room for God to demonstrate His glory in your current challenges. He has led you where you are and has allowed things to happen the way they did so you can grow more in faith and so that your story can inspire others to trust God and have faith in Him in all circumstances.

These are the lessons I have been reminded of at these trying times. They are easier understood and processed at the cognitive level but very difficult to live out. I thank God for leading me again to these truths. I thank God for books and authors like me. Through books, lessons are somehow immortalized. This gave me inspiration to write again. Married life can be a very busy life especially for a newly wed and expectant mom like me. After successfully planning our wedding, now I’m planning the interiors of our house, planning for our baby’s coming, and planning our household budget all at the same time. Taking time to write my thoughts, feelings and insights would entail a lot of discipline and patience. I need patience to set aside my concerns and worries and abandon myself to the inspiration.

I’ve realized that writing is also God’s way of helping me deal with my current challenges. It gives me the opportunity to ponder more on God’s Word and think of ways to practically apply them in my life. Through writing, I somehow leave room for God to do what He as God can do and will do for me. Planning and acting on my plans (or our plans, since I need my husband’s approval first before I act) can give me a sense of accomplishment and assurance that things will turn out fine. But the good feelings I get from them are nothing compared to the peace that envelops me when I pause and leave room for God in my life.

Truly, these lessons are a source of comfort once more amid my challenges. I learned them around three years ago when I first read the book The Red Sea Rules by Robert Morgan. I have applied them in my challenges before as a single lady. Now, God is asking me to apply them in my life as a married woman.

God left me two choices after reviewing these lessons: to despair or to put my hope and trust in Him again. I choose to cry out to God in my need. I don’t know how He’ll deliver me again this time. It’s all up to Him. I just pray that He'd see me through just like old times.


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