Monday, August 12, 2013

New Insights and Reflections on Yesterday's Readings

I had a wonderful day yesterday! It was nothing extraordinary. In fact, it was so ordinary but I thank God for the grace to see the extraordinary beauty in it.
My day started with God giving me a new insight to a passage/verse that's very familiar to me. I've read and studied this verse countless times but I was very glad yesterday to discover a different revelation about it.
"Much will be REQUIRED of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be DEMANDED of the person entrusted with more.” Luke 12:48 (Emphasis mine)

I had an AHA experience and I loved it!

I realized upon meditating on this verse that we are not only INVITED to use whatever talents, skills or resources that God has blessed us with. He REQUIRES us to use th
em to serve His purposes and to bless others. He DEMANDS that we put to good use what He has entrusted to us. Thus, if we are to be faithful servants, we should be using our talents, skills and resources to serve Him and His people. It's not just an option. It's a must! At the end of our lives, we will be held accountable for these. 

The Gospel acclamation yesterday affirmed this message as well:

"We should be ready to serve the Lord at all times. This means being willing to go wherever He leads us and not being afraid to follow His will. Yes, there are times when we will be called to do things we think are beyond our capabilities; it is precisely then that we need to remember that God has promised to provide all we need to do His will in our lives."

I could very much relate to not feeling capable! But God always proves that He can use incapable people like me for His purposes. He's doing this again as I work on my next book. I'm blessed to be on this adventure with God! Though I feel incapable and ill-equipped many times as I continue in this road with God, He keeps on encouraging me and giving me strength to go on. He keeps on pouring His grace to me, enabling me to say each day, "Here I am, use me for Your glory!"
Truly, we must be ready to serve the Lord and say Yes to Him at all times; not just when it's convenient or when we think we have extra time. Not even when we think we are capable.

For a servant should not be the one telling his/her Master when he/she will serve. A true servant will be quick and eager to do his/her Master's wishes. Serving his/her Master is his/her joy. Lord, may I always have the good servant's heart!

This is my desire, that at the end of my life, I would hear my Master tell me, "Good and faithful servant!"

I was also struck by this verse from the First Reading which was highlighted in the reflection in Didache yesterday.
"he went out, not knowing where he was to go." Hebrews 11:8

How many times has God asked me to set forth without me knowing exactly where I would end up? Countless times! There were times that I would hesitate to step out because of fear and doubt. There were times when I would move forward excitedly. There were times when it took me a while longer to obey His leading to conquer new land. But all...
these times, I thank God for the invitation to grow in faith and to tap into His grace and power to believe and have the courage to follow His lead and obey His Holy and Perfect Will. 

"By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance." Hebrew 11:8

I could not help but recall how God has called me and my family out of our comfort zone more than a year ago. We were happy living in our starter home (in our condominium). Looking back, I thank God for calling me and my family out of where we used to live so we can receive our inheritance from Him. I'm still
in awe of how God has led us to where we live now and how He has provided for us so we can get here.

Just like the author of the Didache reflection, it's a mystery for us how we have come to enjoy this new and beautiful house. We are so thankful to God for His miracles! He was surely the One who got us here! As the author of the Didache reflection puts it, "His Mathematics is out of this world!"

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