Friday, January 10, 2014

A Bowl that Fills My Heart with Joy

It's amusing how a bowl of oatmeal can give one a sense of joy that's hard to put into words. What sets this bowl of oatmeal apart is that this bowl belongs to my youngest son and the oatmeal in it is what I cooked for his breakfast today.
I write this post to take some time off from my long to-do list of household chores and WAHMie tasks. I want to savor this moment a little longer by documenting it here in my blog.
This is one of the perks of being a WAHM. I can choose to spend time with my kids when I want to and I can go back to my tasks later. I thank God for this opportunity to have wonderful breakfasts with my son. I thank God that I can watch him learn how to feed himself and clean up his chair and table afterwards. Most of all, I thank God for the opportunity to cook meals for him and to share a meal with him.
The sweet and innocent smile of my little one as he enjoys his oatmeal fills my heart with much joy. It energizes me to persevere in the many tasks I need to do today. It also reminded me that my boy will not be this young forever. He will learn to do things on his own. He will stay in the house less longer. He will need me less often.
I've been home since his birth and yet I still feel that he's growing so fast. And so, I thank God again for this reminder to savor each moment with him... to celebrate life and love even in the ordinary moments, including having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.

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